Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (2024)

Here are the latest update details for Black Desert Online on May 26, 2021 (Wed). Today’s patch contains 337 updates and is approximately 685.08MB.

Nouverikant Outfit

● The Nouverikant Outfit, modeled after the might of Bloodstorm Nouver itself, is finally revealed to the world.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (1)

- To obtain the Nouverikant Outfit, you will need to defeat Bloodstorm Nouver and collect the following items:

Bloodstorm Nouver's Split HornBloodstorm Nouver's Ragged WingBloodlit Eye of the Desert

● Bring the horns and wings to a researcher (who has dedicated their entire life to studying dragons) in the Valencian royal palace to exchange them for the following items that were first crafted in their hometown:

Required ItemExchangeable Item
Bloodstorm Nouver's Split HornDormant Nouverikant Helmet
Bloodstorm Nouver's Ragged WingDormant Nouverikant Armor

* You cannot equip the Dormant Nouverikant Helmet and Armor.
- According to that researcher, to restore the Dormant Nouverikant Helmet and Armor, you will need the power of 'Bloodstorm Black Stones', which you can obtain by Heating (L) the following two types of items:


Bloodlit Eye of the Desert x1

Black Stone (Armor) x100

Bloodstorm Black Stone x1

Bloodlit Eye of the Desert x1

Black Stone (Weapon) x100

Bloodstorm Black Stone x1

● Use Manufacture (L) on the Dormant Nouverikant Helmet and Armor both enhanced to PEN (V) to obtain the Sealed Nouverikant Outfit.
- The Dormant Nouverikant Helmet and Armor both have a 100% Enhancement success rate.
* You will require N number of Bloodstorm Black Stones to enhance to the Nth grade.


PEN (V) Dormant Nouverikant Helmet

Cantarnia's Crystal x30

Concentrated Nouver's Aura x3

Sealed Nouverikant Helmet

PEN (V) Dormant Nouverikant Armor

Cantarnia's Crystal x30

Concentrated Nouver's Aura x3

Sealed Nouverikant Armor

* You can purchase Cartarnia's Crystals from Francia, the Chief Librarian of Odraxxia, for 500 million Silver.
* You can obtain Concentrated Nouver's Aura by using Heating (L) on Concentrated Boss's Aura x1 with Latent Nouver's Aura x10.
* Right-clicking the Sealed Nouverikant Outfit will break the seal and give you a Nouverikant Outfit suitable to your class.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (2)

● Once you have obtained a Nouverikant Outfit suitable to your class, speak to the guest from the "Mountain of Eternal Winter," residing in the capital city of Valencia, to receive a special gift.
- With the Nouverikant Outfit equipped, talk to the guest from the Mountain of Eternal Winter to accept a special quest "Nouvermon" that will reward you with the Tier 4 pet Nouvermon, which bears a striking resemblance to Nouver itself.
- Nouvermon is a Tier 4 pet of the same species as the Young Crimson Dragon and SPECIAL pet classification type.
- Nouvermon's Talent increases your Combat EXP +4% and bears the Special Skill: Hostility Detection.
- Nouverimon cannot be exchanged with Wizard Gosphy pets.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (3)

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (4)

New and Improvements

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (5) The class balance patch you've all been waiting for is finally here! This update brings a bunch of changes, both big and small, to all classes. The focus of this update was to make improvements to all the classes. However, regardless of the upgrades made to entire classes or classes that were already considered strong, adjustments and nerfs inevitably had to be made for certain skills that were too powerful in comparison to the overall changes being implemented in this balance patch. We will monitor these changes specifically on the official servers and make additional changes as needed. Improvements for all classes will continue to be developed after this balance patch. We are continuously checking the feedback left by Adventurers on the official website, the official Discord, and other platforms, so we hope you're looking forward to more of these kinds of updates!

Finally, as the Arena of Arsha draws to a close in North America and Europe, we would like to thank all our Adventurers once more for taking this tournament to the next level. To build upon this class balance patch, an Adventurer Round Table (ART) for all classes will be conducted once the Arena of Arsha ends. The information we gather about each class through this ART will be carefully reviewed and taken into consideration for future updates. Thank you again for all the love and support!

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (6)


● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:
- Black Spirit: Prime: Spinning Slash IV's damage when used on cooldown remains the same as before.

Prime: Spinning Slash IV1157% x 71388% x 7
Prime: Earth Tremor1591% x 61700% x 6
Prime: Pulverize

Hit Damage: 903% x 6

Last Hit Damage: 1174% x 3

Hit Damage: 1174% x 6

Last Hit Damage: 1174% x 3

Prime: Heavy Strike III

Hit Damage: 1299% x 4, Max 3 Hits

Last Hit Damage: 1299% x 4, Max 2 Hits

Hit Damage: 1407% x 4, Max 3 Hits

Last Hit Damage: 1407% x 4, Max 2 Hits

● Prime: Ground Smash IV - Changed the number hits for PvE only.

1700% x 41700% x 6

● Spinning Slash I - Absolute: Spinning Slash - Improved skill to now increase your critical hit rate in all instances.
● Heavy Strike II~IV, Shield Strike II~III, Absolute: Shield Strike, Prime: Shield Strike - Fixed the issue where the appropriate skill add-on effect was not being applied with each hit.
● Prime: Spinning Slash - Added Critical Hit Rate +100% for 2 seconds effect for all skill ranks.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (7) Adventurers who play Warrior in Succession form often use Chopping Kick or Sideways Cut, and then follow it up with Absolute: Spinning Slash to gain a Critical Hit Rate Increase buff. This way, skills can be linked to create deadly combos that deal high amounts of damage. If we analyze this combo, the reason why the Absolute version of Spinning Slash (one of the most important skills in this combo) has to be used is because Spinning Slash alone does not have a Critical Hit Rate Increase buff. To account for this, Prime: Spinning Slash has been buffed to improve the execution and stability of the combo.


● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Flow: Ankle Break651% x 5, Max 2 Hits813% x 5, Max 2 Hits
Flow: Armor Break849% x 51019% x 5
Grave Digging IV

Spin Hit Damage: 1200% x 4

Smash Attack Hit Damage: 1263% x 5

Spin Hit Damage: 1320% x 4

Smash Attack Hit Damage: 1389% x 5

● Pulverize I~III - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (8)

● Fixed the issue where the cooldowns for the following skills would reset when used on cooldown.
- Absolute: Beak Kick and lower ranks
- Absolute: Shadow Kick and lower ranks


● Prime: Abyssal Vanguard - Added All Accuracy +12% for 30 seconds.
● Prime: Agent of Abyss - Changed the skill's effects.

Prime: Agent of AbyssMP +200MP +200 Stamina +100

● Prime: Shadow Eruption I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% effect for PvE only.
● Prime: Violation - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.

● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:
- Prime: Turn-back Slash and Prime: Violation's damage when used on cooldown remains the same as before.

Prime: Turn-back Slash

Hit Damage: 789% x 2

Last Hit Damage: 1026% x 3

Hit Damage: 947% x 2

Last Hit Damage: 1334% x 3

Prime: Black Wave III

Hit Damage: 1042% x 5, Max 4 Hits

Last Hit Damage: 1042% x 6

Hit Damage: 1250% x 5, Max 4 Hits

Last Hit Damage: 1250% x 6

Prime: Violation

Spin Hit Damage: 887% x 6

Extra Hit Damage: 1020% x 6

Spin Hit Damage: 1065% x 6

Extra Hit Damage: 1224% x 6


● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:
- Turn-back Slash III's damage when used on cooldown remains the same as before.

Turn-back Slash III

Hit Damage: 1065% x 2

Last Hit Damage: 1065% x 5

Hit Damage: 1224% x 2

Last Hit Damage: 1224% x 5

Violation III

Spin Hit Damage: 1091% x 8

Chop Attack Damage: 1091% x 4

Spin Hit Damage: 1199% x 8

Extra Hit Damage: 1199% x 4

Flow: Soul Reaper

1 Hit Damage: 1120% x 2, Max 2 Hits

Last Hit Damage: 1120% x 6

1 Hit Damage: 1380% x 2, Max 2 Hits

Last Hit Damage: 1380% x 6

● Turn-back Slash I~III - Increased the Critical Hit Rate effect for each skill rank from 25%, 31%, and 37% to 50% for PvE only.
● Black Spirit: Violation - Fixed the skill to no longer be usable after being locked.
● Grim Reaper - Added All Accuracy +12% for 30 seconds.
● Violation I~III - Changed to now recover Stamina during use when not on cooldown.
● Nightmare - Changed the Nightmare (Invincibility) state duration from 4 to 5 seconds.
● Flow: Soul Reaper - Fixed the issue where the skill would activate when comboing with Midnight Stinger after consuming Shards of Darkness to use Grim Reaper's Judgment.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (9)For Sorceress, although she has skills like Night Crow and Nightmare that offer high survivability, she was designed with lower accuracy to compensate for this.But as Adventurers became stronger, this advantage became less useful over time. To make this aspect of the Sorceress more relevant, Grim Reaper and Prime: Abyssal Vanguard will now have an Accuracy buff so that Adventurers make use of this advantage once again when needed. Sorceress’s Awakening has also seen some buffs, with the duration of Nightmare now being longer so that the skill can be more easily used during combat.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (10)

● Flow: Air Explosion Shot - Added a 12-second cooldown.
- Flow: Air Explosion Shot - Added the Super Armor effect.
- Flow: Air Explosion Shot - Changed to now activate after Flow: Call from Sky by holding RMB.
● Fixed the issue where the cooldowns for the following skills would reset when used during cooldown.
- Absolute: Penetrating Wind and lower ranks
- Absolute: Descending Current and lower ranks


● Prime: Evasive Explosion Shot - Changed to now combo into Flow: Air Explosion Shot when holding the command after being used to the rear.
● Prime: Tearing Arrow - Changed the Knockback debuff applied on the last charged hit to now be applied on the first hit.
● Prime: Tearing Arrow - Changed the split damage effect to only apply for PvP.
● Prime: Razor Wind - Changed to now apply the Forward Guard effect in standby when used in a non-cooldown state.
● Prime: Razor Wind - Changed to now consume Stamina when remaining on standby.
● Prime: Penetrating Wind I~IV - Increased the number of hits from 4 to 6 for PvE only.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Prime: Regeneration1087% x 71250% x 7
Prime: Charging Wind I~III

Hit Damage: 776% / 876% / 976% x 2

Charged Hit Damage: 1785% x 8

Hit Damage: 1164% / 1314% / 1462% x 2

Charged Hit Damage: 1785% x 8

Prime: Nature's Tremble1034% x 81231% x 8

● Prime: Regeneration - Added Critical Hit Rate +50% for PvE only.
● Prime: Razor Wind I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +20% for PvE only.
● Call of the Earth I~X - Added a 60-second Spiritual Enhancement effect when using the skill. This effect will apply during the following skills:
- Prime: Penetrating Wind
- Prime: Tearing Arrow
- Prime: Razor Wind
● Call of the Earth - Added a 60-second cooldown.
- You can still use the skill while it's on cooldown.


● Guardian - Increased Evasion +15% to +20%.
● Wind Blade - Improved skill to now activate its 2nd hit immediately after Cold Blade.
● Wind Step - Increased the distance traveled when used backwards.
● Wind Step - Improved skill to combo more smoothly when used backwards continuously.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Elven Rage IV1259% x 61384% x 6
Vine Knot926% x 41110% x 4

● Wind Blade - Improved the skill to attack towards the direction the character is facing when comboed into after certain skills.
● Regeneration - Added the Seed of Nature effect to the skill. Using other Awakening skills after Regeneration will cause a seed to grow into vines to deal damage in the vicinity.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (11) For Ranger’s Succession form, we divided our focus into two parts: PvP and PvE. For the PvP aspect of the class, we’ve made a few adjustments according to the expected growth of Adventurers so that this form is more viable to play. Damage for some skills have been increased, and changes were made to create a stronger emphasis between the class’s skills, concept, and lore. So in order to increase her survivability, Prime: Razor Wind IV’s Forward Guard buff will now continue to stay active even when returning to a standby stance after using the skill. We also implemented a suggestion that was made many times by Adventurers; Evasive Explosion Shot and Flow: Air Explosion Shot can now be used as separate skills, so Ranger can now rely on Evasive Explosion Shot to get out of dangerous situations quickly. We also focused on increasing the damage output for some skills and creating a stronger emphasis between the class’s skills, concept, and lore for Ranger’s PvE components as well. When using Call of the Earth in her Succession form, the spirits summoned will now gain more energy and increase her damage. Also, just like Call of the Earth Cooldown (Tier 10), these energized spirits will remain as a buff for 60 seconds after the skill is used.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (12)

▲ Use Prime: Tearing Arrow

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (13)

▲ Using Prime: Tearing Arrow after Call of the Earth

For Awakening, using Regeneration will now leave a Seed of Nature in its place, and using other skills (Wailing Wind, Elven Rage, Wind Blade, Vine Knot, Nature's Tremble) will cause vines to grow from the seed's location to deal damage (Regeneration damage + 100% Critical Hit Rate - PvE Only). You can use it with combos and, depending on the situation, place it so that it explodes to attack your enemies from behind. However, this effect only occurs once (per Regeneration).

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (14)

● Ultimate: Frenzied Destroyer - Added a 5-second cooldown.
● Ultimate: Frenzied Destroyer - Removed the initial movement animation. Improved the last consecutive attack to activate immediately.
● Shake Off - Reduced the cooldown from 4 to 3 seconds.
● Fixed the issue where the cooldowns for the following skills would reset when used on cooldown.
- Prime: Tackling Rock and lower ranks
- Absolute: Tackling Rock and lower ranks
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Feral Rage420% x 7643% x 7
Feral Stampede345% x 18879% x 18

● Feral Stampede - Added Critical Hit Rate +40% for PvE only.
● Elastic Force I~II - Changed the damage as follows:

249% / 266% x 1312% / 398% x 1

● Frenzied Destroyer, Prime: Frenzied Destroyer - Improved to combo into Ultimate: Frenzied Destroyer during the skill's Extra Hit.
● Fierce Strike - Fixed the issue where the skill would activate first even after pressing the command for Beastly Wind Slash during Ultimate: Frenzied Destroyer.


● Prime: Frenzied Destroyer - Improved skill to now combo into Ultimate: Frenzied Destroyer.
● Prime: Predatory Hunt - Fixed the awkward jumping animation during the skill.
● Prime: Lava Piercer - Improved skill so now activates when holding Shift + Space after using Lava Piercer III with Prime: Lava Piercer already learned.
● Prime: Lava Piercer - Removed the text 'Quick slot unavailable' from the skill description.
● Prime Raging Thunder - Improved skill duration to last longer when used after Lava Piercer.
● Prime: Ancient Wave - Increased the charging speed two-fold.
● Prime: Devastation - Increased PvP damage by approx. +15.1%.

● Changed the number of hits for the following skills in PvE only:

Prime: Fearsome Tyrant I~III

Hit Damage: 652% / 815% / 1059% x 9

Final Strike Damage: 826% / 1033% / 1342% x 6

Hit Damage: 826% / 1033% / 1342% x 14

Final Strike Damage: 826% / 1033% / 1342% x 6

Prime: Beastly Wind Slash I~IV

Hit Damage: 466% / 586% / 699% / 818% x 6

Smash Attack Hit Damage: 583% / 733% / 874% / 1023% x 2

Hit Damage: 630% / 792% / 944% / 1105% x 6

Smash Attack Hit Damage: 630% / 792% / 944% / 1105% x 3

● Prime: Fearsome Tyrant I~III - Added Critical Hit Rate +100% for PvE only.
● Prime: Fearsome Tyrant - Improved the skill to allow the following skills to activate feral attacks during the 10 second window of Bestial Rage which activates once the skill ends.
- Prime: Fierce Strike
- Prime: Beastly Wind Slash
- Prime: Predatory Hunt
● Prime: Beastly Wind Slash - Added All DP -15 per Prime: Final Strike hit when used with this skill.
● Prime: Devastation - Changed Critical Hit Rate +20 to +50% for PvE only.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (15) A special trait of the Berserker’s Succession that sets it apart from his Awakening is that the destructiveness of an attack depends on striking your opponent with your shoulder. To make this unique trait into a more defining feature of the Berserker, the cooldown for Shake Off has been decreased to create more opportunities to execute shoulder-based attacks. Also, you can now use Lava Piercer and then combo it with its Prime version, which will allow the Berserker to chase opponents that dodge his initial shoulder attack.

When it comes to Berserker and PvE, we’ve taken into account that many Adventurers use Prime: Frenzied Destroyer after Prime: Raging Thunder or Feral Rage as a combo. To expand combat options while making sure this combo remains relevant, Prime: Fearsome Tyrant and Prime: Beastly Wind Slash III will now inflict more damage so the Berserker can clean up the remaining opponents who survived his initial Prime: Frenzied Destroyer onslaught.


● Flow: Split Shot - Changed the actual attack range to match the skill animation and effects.
● Flow: Split Shot, Flow: Ancient Wave - Changed the skills to now combo into Titan Blow from the 3rd hit.
● Flow: Slugfest - Changed the damage for PvE as follows:


Hit Damage: 1210% x 10

Last Hit Damage: 1563% x 3

Hit Damage: 1563% x 10

Last Hit Damage: 1563% x 3

● Devastation IV - Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:

1489% x 61489% x 8

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (16)

● Absolute: Roaring - Increased the skill's range to taunt nearby monsters.
● Absolute: Roaring - Improved to now combo into Evasion I~III.


● Prime: Void Lightning - Improved skill to now combo into Prime: Lightning of Earth's 3rd hit.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:
- Damage for both Prime: Jolt Wave and Prime: Trample remains the same as before when used on cooldown.

Prime: Bolt Wave1005% x 41206% x 4
Prime: Allround Spinner

Hit Damage: 940% x 7

Extra Hit Damage: 911% x 8

Hit Damage: 1053% x 7

Extra Hit Damage: 1021% x 8

Prime: Jolt Wave

Hit Damage: 1239% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 1239% x 6

Hit Damage: 1425% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 1425% x 6

Prime: Trample1269% x 51523% x 5

● Prime: Whiplash - Added Critical Hit Rate +20% for PvE only.
● Prime: Lightning of Earth - Changed Critical Hit Rate +50% to +100% for PvE only.
● Prime: Roaring I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +50% for PvE only.
● Prime: Roaring IV - Increased the skill's range to taunt nearby monsters.
● Prime: Summon Heilang - Increased the summoned Heilang's damage by approx. three-fold for PvE only.


● Flow: Ascension - Added the Bound debuff to apply to the skill's smash hit.
● Flow: Ascension - Changed the command input for the skill's smash hit.

↓ + F during GarudaLMB during Garuda

● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Moonlight Strike III781% x 3936% x 5
Allround Spinner IV

Hit Damage: 1084% x 7

Extra Hit Damage: 1084% x 4

Hit Damage: 1246% x 7

Extra Hit Damage: 1246% x 4

● Garuda I~III - Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:


Hit Damage: 959% / 1178% / 1397% x 2

Extra Hit Damage: 959% / 1178% / 1397% x 2

Hit Damage: 959% / 1178% / 1397% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 959% / 1178% / 1397% x 4

● Changed the number of hits for the following skills in PvE only:
- If you use Echo Pierce III while on the skill is on cooldown and you've already learned Ultimate: Echo Pierce, the hit damage will remain the same as before.

Flow: Full Moon1036% x 51347% x 7
Echo Pierce III

Forward Hit Damage: 841% x 3

Backward Hit Damage: 782% x 3

Hit Damage: 648% x 6 if Ultimate: Echo Pierce is learned

Forward Hit Damage: 841% x 6

Backward Hit Damage: 782% x 6

Hit Damage: 1296% x 6 if Ultimate: Echo Pierce is learned

● Flow: Ascension, Flow: Soaring Strike - Changed the number of hits from 4 to 6 for PvE only.
● Celestial Slam - Changed Critical Hit Rate +50% to 100% for PvE only.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (17) In order for Tamer to use Flow: Ascension after using Garuda, Celestial Slam had to be locked. Since this limited the skills Tamer could use when this specific situation arose, the controls for Flow: Ascension have been changed so that Celestial Slam can now be used. Flow: Ascension will also inflict Bound as a status effect on opponents so that Tamer will still have chances to turn the tide of battle if Garuda’s Floating effect is not applied.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (18)

● Flow: Spinning Shield - Changed the skill's Stun debuff to apply only on the 1st hit.
● Fixed the issue where cooldown for the following skills would reset when used on cooldown.
- Absolute: Sharp Light and lower ranks
- Absolute: Flurry of Kicks and lower ranks
- Absolute: Flying Kick and lower ranks
- Absolute: Counter and lower ranks
- Absolute: Shield Throw and lower ranks
● Heaven's Echo - Fixed the issue where you could not add and use it via Quick Slot.
● Heaven's Echo - Changed the cooldown from 25 to 40 seconds.


● Heaven's Echo - Changed so now learned as Succession: Heaven's Echo for Succession.
● Succession: Heaven's Echo - Changed the cooldown from 25 seconds to 40 seconds.
● Succession: Heaven's Echo - The All DP increase effect is as follows:

SkillDP Effect
Succession: Heaven's Echo IAll DP +13
Succession: Heaven's Echo IIAll DP +20
Succession: Heaven's Echo IIIAll DP +25
Succession: Absolute: Heaven's EchoAll DP +30

● Succession: Heaven's Echo - Changed the All Accuracy buff duration from 60 seconds to 10 seconds.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Prime: Sanctitas de Enslar

Marking Hit Damage: 1588% x 1

Last Hit Damage: 1324% x 3

Marking Hit Damage: 1588% x 1

Last Hit Damage: 1588% x 3

Prime: Glaring Slash IV1205% x 51446% x 5


● Death Line Chase - Improved the combo speed into Hastiludium.
● Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae - Increased the last hit's PvP damage by approx. +11%.
● Terra Sancta - Improved the combo animation into Blitz Stab.
● Promptness - Improved the combo speed into Blitz Stab.
● Castigatio I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +20% for PvE only.
● Sanctitas de Enslar I~III - Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:


Marking Hit Damage: 938% / 1126% / 1324% x 1

Last Hit Damage: 938% / 1126% / 1324% x 3

Marking Hit Damage: 938% / 1126% / 1324% x 1

Last Hit Damage: 938% / 1126% / 1324% x 5

● Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae I~IV - Changed the PvE damage as follows:


Hit Damage: 659% / 758% / 857% / 956% x 6

Last Hit Damage: 737% / 839% / 942% / 1044% x 6

Hit Damage: 678% / 818% / 968% / 1242% x 6

Last Hit Damage: 759% / 906% / 1064% / 1357% x 6

● Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae IV - Reduced the cooldown from 21 seconds to 17 seconds.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (19) Even with the improvements made to the other classes, some of Valkyrie’s skills were too overpowered for PvP that nerfs had to be made it. However, unlike other classes, most of the changes revolve around the settings for Crystals and the effects that can be implemented even while using a skill. In terms of the skills, Heaven's Echo will no longer apply a permanent Accuracy Rate Increase effect; instead, the effect will now last for only 10 seconds. However, the skill’s Defense Increase effect has been buffed significantly to make Valkyrie tougher to take down in combat. In addition, Flow: Spinning Shield has been changed as well; the skill’s status effects will now only apply on the first hit.

For Valkyrie’s Awakening, changes were made to account for PvE combat. Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae is widely known as Valkyrie’s core skill and signature move, but this skill’s effectiveness has decreased over time. To make up for this, we’ve increased the damage of this skill and its cooldown time so that Adventurers do not have to be too dependent on Shield Throw. We hope this adds to the awesome combat styles that the Lancia has to offer (and hopefully reduce that button fa*gitue)!

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (20)

● Blind Thrust - Improved skill so now combos into Stub Arrow: Evasive Shot.
● Fixed the issue where the cooldown for the following skills would reset when used on cooldown.
- Absolute: Carver and lower ranks, Absolute: Stub Arrow and lower ranks, Stub Arrow: Double Shot,Stub Arrow: Triple Shot
- All skill ranks of Upper Kick, Blunt Kick, Sweep Kick, and Roundhouse Kick


● Chase - Improved skill so now combos more smoothly into Prime: Carver.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:
- Prime: Rising Storm IV's damage when used on cooldown remains the same as before.

Prime: Rising Storm IV1301% x 61561% x 6
Prime: Crust Crusher1413% x 61583% x 6
Prime: Blooming

Hit Damage: 754% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 1004% x 3, Max 4 Hits

Hit Damage: 754% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 1255% x 3, Max 4 Hits


● Musa's Soul - Increased All AP +20 to +30.
● Eradicate - Changed the skill to no longer activate first when Crosscut was used after using Chase in the forward direction.
● Black Spirit: Flow: Dash Slash - Added the Super Armor effect.
● Spinner - Improved skill to increase Attack Speed upon using the skill and not on the 3rd hit.
● Fiery Crevice - Changed the number of hits as follows:

Fiery CreviceReduced number of hits for PvPReduced number of hits when used on cooldown.

● Flow: Dash Slash - Increased PvP damage by approx. +17%.
● Below the Belt - Increased PvP damage by approx. +13%.
● Crust Crusher - Improved skill so now combos more smoothly into Eradicate.
● Below the Belt III - Changed the PvE damage as follows:


Hit Damage: 1290% x 5

Extra Hit Damage: 1290% x 3

Hit Damage: 1483% x 5

Extra Hit Damage: 1483% x 3

● Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:

Eradicate1376% x 3, Max 2 Hits1376% x 5, Max 2 Hits
Flow: Backflow1213% x 51213% x 7

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (21) When it comes to Musa’s Awakening, we’ve decided to up the tempo of his attacks to match his quick and deadly combat style. Musa’s Spinner skill will now apply the Attack Speed Increase effect for on every hit, whereas before it only applied on the third hit. To ensure that the Block Effect can be implemented smoothly when comboing Crust Crusher and Eradicate, the transition from Crust Crusher to Eradicate will now happen more quickly. To top off the balance changes, the damage for Below the Belt and Flow: Dash Slash has been increased, and the number of PvP hits applied with Fiery Crevice has been decreased.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (22)

● Blind Thrust - Improved skill so now combos into Stub Arrow: Evasive Shot.
● Fixed the issue when using the following skills on cooldown would reset their cooldown time.
- Absolute: Carver and lower ranks, Absolute: Stub Arrow and lower ranks, Stub Arrow: Double Shot, Stub Arrow: Triple Shot
- All ranks of Upper Kick, Blunt Kick, Sweep Kick, Roundhouse Kick


● Prime: Decapitation, Prime: Sticky Snowflake - Improved to now activate after Prime: Red Moon's 1st hit.
● Prime: Red Moon II, III - Fixed the issue where skills wouldn't activate with the Shift + Q command input on the last hit of Prime: Divider without having learned Ultimate Chaos: Red Moon.
● Prime: Sticky Snowflake - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.
● Prime: Decapitation IV - Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:


Hit Damage: 977% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 1388% x 4

Hit Damage: 977% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 1388% x 6

● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:
- Prime: Sticky Snowflake's damage when used on cooldown remains the same as before.

Prime: Blooming III

Hit Damage: 1392% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 723% x 10

Hit Damage: 1392% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 939% x 10

Prime: Sticky Snowflake1010% x 51212% x 5


● Petal Bloom, Flow: Moonlight Dash - Improved skill so now combos into Chase, Stigma.
● Black Spirit: Sticky Snowflake I~IV - Fixed the issue where the All Evasion -3% for 10 seconds debuff wouldn't apply on hit.
● Sticky Snowflake I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.
● Flow: Tip of an Iceberg - Added Critical Hit Rate +30% for PvE only.
● Petal Bloom III - Changed the PvE damage as follows:


Hit Damage: 1219% x 5

Charged Hit Damage: 1219% x 8

Hit Damage: 1462% x 5

Charged Hit Damage: 1462% x 8

● Frost Pillars III - Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:

Hit Damage: 1526% x 4Hit Damage: 1526% x 6

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (23) The skill that most closely symbolizes Maehwa is her Red Moon skill. So, unlike Absolute: Red Moon, you could not use a different skill after using Prime: Red Moon (which you learn after Succession) to hit Floating targets. Although it is a stronger version of the skill, the inability to connect this skill to another put it at a disadvantage. Thus, we’ve changed Prime: Red Moon so that it can now be used more flexibly and with less limitations.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (24)

● Absolute: Meteor Shower - Removed the Super Armor effect while attacking.


● Prime: Voltaic Pulse - Reduced All Accuracy +30% to +12%.
● Prime: Voltaic Pulse - Removed the Super Armor effect.
● Prime: Meteor Shower: Areal - Removed the Super Armor effect when attacking.
● Prime: Equilibrium Break - Improved to now combo into Prime: Earthquake: Evade.
● Succession: Magical Evasion - Reduced cooldown from 4 to 3 seconds.
● Prime: Equilibrium Break - Changed the PvE damage as follows:

780% x 9936% x 9


● Increased the damage of the following skills:

Flow: Gorr LaunchHit damage 814% x 4Hit damage 962% x 4
Flow: Rage TettHit damage 874% x 4Hit damage 1012% x 4

● Lightning Blast - Reduced some of the shaky camera effects.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Detonative Flow III965% x 51158% x 5
Equilibrium Break IV1030% x 91236% x 9

● Detonative Flow I~III - Added Critical Hit Rate +30% for PvE only.
- Using the skill while it's on cooldown does not apply the Critical Hit Rate effect.
● Voltaic Pulse I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +50% for PvE only.
● Fissure Wave I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (25)

● Absolute: Meteor Shower - Removed the Super Armor effect when attacking.


● Prime: Voltaic Pulse - Reduced the All Accuracy buff from +30% to +12%.
● Prime: Voltaic Pulse - Removed the Super Armor effect.
● Prime: Meteor Shower: Areal - Removed the Super Armor effect when attacking.
● Prime: Equilibrium Break - Improved skill to now combo into Prime: Earthquake: Evade.
● Prime: Equilibrium Break - Changed the PvE damage as follows:

780% x 9936% x 9


● Increased the damage of the following skills:

Flow: Arne's GuidanceHit damage 981% x 12Hit damage 1090% x 12
Flow: Arne's StreamHit damage 814% x 4Hit damage 942% x 4

● Aqua Jail Explosion - Improved skill to allow Flow: Magical Evasion during use.
● Flow: Magical Evasion - Improved skill to combo smoothly into Flame Knot.
● Aqua Jail Explosion - Increased PvP damage by approx. +18.7%.
● Bolide of Destruction - Increased PvP damage by approx. +17.4%.
● Dark Flame I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.
● Bolide of Destruction III - Changed the PvE damage as follows:

1339% x 61606% x 6

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (26) We’ve received a lot of requests to nerf Wizard and Witch because of how much they influence Node and Conquest Wars When we looked into the actual data, we found that they maintained the tops spots in determining the outcome of Node Wars and Conquest Wars, and the biggest reason behind this was their ability to consistently deliver explosive amounts of damage. The reason why we didn’t make any adjustments to their damage output until now was because, aside from Node and Conquest Wars, these two classes performed just above average in all other areas of the game compared to all the other classes.However, regardless of the damage output, we've decided that some of Wizard's and Witch's skills have too much sway in large-scale combat modes. Thus, certain skills have been nerfed in a way that makes them riskier to use.Super Armor will no longer be applied when using Meteor Shower and Prime: Voltaic Pulse, so Adventurers will have to take extra caution in assessing their surroundings and timing their attacks well. However, Witch’s movement skills are comparatively weaker than those of the Wizard’s, so the cooldown of Succession: Magical Evasion has been decreased by 1 second. We will continue to monitor and check the data for these two classes, and we promise to make the necessary adjustments depending on the situation.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (27)

● Suicide Fall - Improved skill to now be usable via Quick Slot.
● Ghost Claw - Changed the 10-second Attack Speed buff from +10% to +17%.


● Prime: Shadow Slash II, III - Fixed the issue where the Attack Speed effect would stack with Ghost Claw's.
● Prime: Shadow Slash II, III - Changed the 10-second Attack Speed buff from +6%, +7% to 10%.
● Prime: Black Moonlight I~III - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.
● Prime: Blade Spin I~III - Added Critical Hit Rate +15% for PvE only.


● Asura - Changed the 30 second All Accuracy buff from +15% to +20%.
● Suicide Fall - Improved skill to now be usable via Quick Slot with the Sura Katana.
● Flashing Light - Improved skill to combo faster into Bloodthirst: Katana Shower and Drastic Measure.
● Flashing Light - Improved skill to combo into Ninjutsu: Shadow Stomp by pressing Space after use.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Flow: Execution1115% x 41448% x 4
Corrupt Sword Dance I~IV585% / 694% / 804% / 913% x 3, Max 3 Hits661% / 784% / 909% / 1032% x 3, Max 3 Hits
Flow: Mach ExplosionExplosive Hit Damage: 1236% x 7Explosive Hit Damage: 1422% x 7
Vacuum Slash

Hit Damage: 753% x 6

Slash Hit Damage: 978% x 4

Hit Damage: 902% x 6

Slash Hit Damage: 1100% x 4

Serpent Ascension III

Hit Damage: 968% x 7

Blade Hit Damage: 1120% x 6

Hit Damage: 1161% x 7

Blade Hit Damage: 1344% x 6

● Drastic Measure I~III - Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:


Hit Damage: 1383% / 1502% / 1624% x 3

Charged Hit Damage: 1383% / 1502% / 1624% x 6

Hit Damage: 1383% / 1502% / 1624% x 5

Charged Hit Damage: 1383% / 1502% / 1624% x 8

● Flashing Light - Changed the PvE damage and number of hits as follows:

1401% x 71541% x 9

● Flashing Light - Changed Critical Hit Rate +50% to +100% for PvE only.
● Bloodthirst: Katana Shower IV - Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:


Slash Hit Damage: 1485% x 1

Blade Hit Damage: 1485% x 7

Last Hit Damage: 1862% x 2

Slash Hit Damage: 1485% x 1

Blade Hit Damage: 1485% x 8

Last Hit Damage: 1862% x 3

● Murderous Intent I~III - Changed the number of hits for PvE from 3 hits to 5 hits.
● Flashing Light - Changed to activate in the direction the character is facing after moving backwards.
● Corrupt Sword Dance I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +100% for PvE only.
● Double Sword Stance - Increased the skill's speed for activating and comboing into Corrupt Sword Dance, Sudden Decapitation, and Seamless.
● Double Sword Stance - Improved to combo more smoothly into Sura ChaoSpree after using Seamless during the skill.
● Double Sword Stance - Changed so the skill is maintained and can activate Corrupt Sword Dance and Sudden Decapitation when used after Ghost Step and Ninja Step.
● Ghost Step, Ninja Step - Changed to now combo into Seamless.
● Removed collision detection during the following skills' hits:

- 2nd and 3rd Hits of Seamless
- 2nd Hit of Corrupt Sword Dance in Double Sword Stance
- 3rd Hit of Sudden Decapitation in Double Sword Stance
● Increased the attack range of the following skills' hits:
- 1st Hit of Seamless
- 2nd Hit of Corrupt Sword Dance in Double Sword Stance
● Ghost Claw, Ghost Slash - Improved to activate even when not standing in place after switching to Awakening stance while using the skills.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (28) We’ve also made improvements to Ninja for PvP situations. The recently added Flashing Light skill has been changed so that it is easier to chain other attacks after using this skill, which in turn makes it less punishing when Flashing Light missed the opponent. The transitions between the Main Weapon and Awakening Skills have been changed so that they happen much more smoothly, and Suicide Fall has been improved so that it can now be comboed in Awakening form. Also, the Accuracy Rate effect after using Asura has been increased so that this skill will make Ninja more effective when facing off against opponents specializing in defense or evasion.

To make Ninja more effective in PvE as well, we turned our focus to his Awakening form. There are many situations in which Ninja will change over to his Main Weapon after using Drastic Measure, Bloodthirst: Katana Shower, Serpent Ascension in his Awakening form, especially to chase after targets. Now, using Corrupt Sword Dance, Sudden Decapitation, Sura ChaoSpree, and Seamless in Double Sword Stance will pierce through targets, making it easier to attack them. In addition, the damage of Ninja’s Main Skills have been increased so that Adventurers will have as much fun dealing damage as executing his flashy attacks.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (29)

● Suicide Fall - Improved skill to now be usable Quick Slot.


● Prime: Shackles - Increased PvP damage by approx. +12.8%.
● Prime: Wheel of Wrath - Changed the PvE damage as follows:


1st Hit Damage: 636% x 5

2nd Hit Damage: 1214% x 8

1st Hit Damage: 827% x 5

2nd Hit Damage: 1214% x 8

● Prime: Shadow Explosion - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.
● Prime: Tendon Cutter III - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.
● Prime: Shadow Clone IV - Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:

1686% x 51686% x 7


● Suicide Fall - Improved skill to now be usable via Quick Slot with the Sah Chakram.
● Chain Crash: Sah Chakram - Fixed the description to match the actual skill effect as follows:

Chain Crash: Sah ChakramCritical Hit Damage +5% for 10 secondsCritical Hit Damage +5% for 10 seconds (not applied when used on cooldown)

● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:
- Chain Crash: Sah Chakram's damage when used on cooldown remains the same as before.

Moon Storm

Hit Damage: 754% x 4

Extra Hit Damage: 1270% x 7

Hit Damage: 1270% x 4

Extra Hit Damage: 1450% x 7

Chain Crash: Sah Chakram1312% x 91574% x 9
Flow: Wrath1297% x 61491% x 6
Flow: Indignation1180% x 61357% x 6
Flow: Chakram RiseHit Damage 1185% x 6Hit Damage 1555% x 6

● Lunatic Discus - Added Critical Hit Rate +40% for PvE only.
● Halo - Reduced DP -15 to -20.
● Moon Storm - Improved the 2nd hit to now combo into Flow: Indignation and Flow: Wrath.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (30) For Kunoichi’s Succession skills, Prime: Shackles is one skill that is not used as often as her other skills. In response to this, we have increased this skill’s PvP damage. We have also changed the transitions between the Main Weapon and Awakening Skills so that they happen much more smoothly, and Suicide Fall has been improved so that it can now be comboed in Awakening form.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (31)

● Dusk I~II, Dusk: Hallucination - Increased the maintained duration of the Invincibility effect.
● Nocturne, Absolute: Nocturne - Changed to keep the camera facing the same direction as the character after failing to attack the enemy's rear with ↑ or RMB during use.
● Nocturne, Absolute: Nocturne - Increased combo speed into other skills after Backward Evasion (↓) during use.
● Absolute: Enforcement - Increased PvP damage by approx. +8%.
● Absolute: Kamasylvia Slash - Increased PvP damage by approx. +21.9%.
● Absolute: Wheel of Fortune - Increased PvP damage by approx. +11.5%.


● Prime: Spirit Absorption - Changed the All Accuracy buff from +15% to +20%.
● Prime: Nocturne Changed to keep the camera facing the same direction as the character after failing to attack the enemy's rear with ↑ or RMB during use.
● Prime: Nocturne - Increased combo speed into other skills after Backward Evasion (↓) during use.
● Prime: Twilight Dash - Added the Super Armor effect during use.
● Prime: Slanted Balance - Changed how damage is applied as follows:
- However, the Floating debuff is applied in the same area as before.

Hit damage 1120% x 1, Max 5 HitsHit damage 1120% x 5

● Increased PvP damage of the following skills:
- Prime: Air Strike - Approx. +15.8%
- All ranks of Prime: Kamasylvia Slash - Approx. +18.2%
- All ranks of Prime: Wheel of Fortune - Approx. +11.5%
- Prime: Spirit Legacy - Approx. +14.1% (However, PvP damage when used on cooldown is the same as before.)
● Prime: Kamasylvia Slash I~III - Changed the skill as follows:
- Fixed the issue where the skill wouldn't activate in certain directions after comboing from Dusk.
- Changed the skill to now activate even while charging after comboing from Dusk.
● Prime: Kamasylvia Slash III - Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:


Hit Damage: 1710% x 4

Charged Hit Damage: 1710% x 6

Hit Damage: 1710% x 5

Charged Hit Damage: 1710% x 7

● Prime: Kamasylvia Slash III - Changed Critical Hit Rate +50% to 100% for PvE only.
● Prime: Wheel of Fortune IV - Changed Critical Hit Rate +25% to 50% for PvE only.


● Overlord - Changed All Accuracy +15% to +20%.
● Twilight Dash - Added the Super Armor effect during use.
● Spirit Hunt I~III - Increased combo speed into other skills.
● Flow: Spirit Blaze - Replaced Knockdown with Down Smash on hit.
● Spirit Legacy I~III - Increased PvP damage by approx. +14.1%.
- However, PvP damage when used on cooldown is the same as before.
● Shattering Darkness I~III, Flow: Bombardment - Increased PvP damage by approx. +16.2%.
● Dark Nebula - Increased PvP damage by approx. +8.3%.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Spirit Hunt III1164% x 41338% x 4
Seed of Catastrophe IV1178% x 71354% x 7
Flow: Root of Catastrophe1297% x 71491% x 7
Dark Nebula

1st Hit Damage: 1118% x 6

2nd Hit Damage: 1118% x 4

1st Hit Damage: 1341% x 6

Spirit Legacy III 2nd Hit Damage: 1341% x 4

Spirit Legacy III1128% x 81297% x 8
Spirit Blaze IV

Hit Damage: 603% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 603% x 3

Hit Damage: 1205% x 3

Extra Hit Damage: 1205% x 3

● Changed the number of hits for the following skills in PvE only:.

Shattering Darkness III

Phantom Blade Damage: 1351% x 5

Magic Hit Damage: 616% x 1, Max 11 Hits

Phantom Blade Damage: 1351% x 7

Magic Hit Damage: 801% x 1, Max 11 Hits

Flow: Bombardment

Phantom Blade Damage: 1032% x 5

Magic Hit Damage: 593% x 1, Max 11 Hits

Phantom Blade Damage: 1032% x 7

Magic Hit Damage: 771% x 1, Max 11 Hits

● Core: Spirit Hunt - Fixed the issue where your character moved abnormally when using ↑ + RMB while the skill was on cooldown after switching to your Main Weapon.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (32) Many changes (both big and small) have been made to Dark Knight to strengthen the qualities that really set her apart from all the other classes. First, the Invincibility effect for Dusk will now be applied for a longer period of time. In addition, Twilight Dash will now also apply Super Armor. Since these are some of Dark Knight's most important movement skills, Dark Knight can rely on these skills more to get out of troublesome situations during combat. In addition, we’ve made improvements to Nocturne and the skill’s ability to combo into other skills so that it can be utilized more effectively as a dodging mechanic. Lastly, we’ve increased the PvP damage of various Main Skills for her Awakening and Succession forms so that the Dark Knight lives up to her name when she cuts down her opponents using her Kriegsmesser, Phantom Blade, and magic attacks.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (33)

● Flow: Nimbus Strike - Increased the distance traveled.
● Improved the following skills to activate with the Martial Spirit effect.
- Prime: Wolf's Fang, Prime: Rage Hammer, Prime: Wolf's Hunger, Prime: Adamantine I~IV, Ultimate Crush I~IV, Ferocious Assault, Autumn Blaze, Flow: Crosswind


● Prime: Unleashing Potential - Added All AP +20 for 30 seconds.
● Prime: Wolf's Hunger - Increased the speed of comboing into Massive Suppression from the skill's last hit.
● Prime: Wolf's Hunger - Improved skill to now combo into the following skills during use:
- Prime: Rage Hammer, Knee Hammer, Adamantine, Crimson Fang, Prime: Rampaging Predator, Twisted Collision


● Descent of Fury - Added All Evasion +15% for 30 seconds.
● Ferocious Assault - Fixed the issue where getting hit during use would reduce the distance traveled.
● Black Spirit: Echo Spirit - Increased the duration of the Invincibility effect during use.
● Twisted Collision - Improved skill to now combo into Flow: Crosswind after use.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Autumn Blaze

1st Hit Damage: 1211% x 2

Last Hit Damage: 1211% x 5

1st Hit Damage: 1393% x 2

Last Hit Damage: 1393% x 5

Skull Crusher IV1026% x 71282% x 7

● Flow: Skull Hammer - Changed the number of hits for PvE from 4 hits to 5 hits.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (34) Striker is also seeing some upgrades in this patch, with the focus on making Prime: Wolf's Hunger (a Succession skill) a more aggressive and viable skill to use during combat. When using this skill to apply Stun on the first hit or for movement purposes, other skills can now be chained to this one so that that Striker will be able to stick to his opponents and continue his flurry of attacks. The skill effects for Martial Spirit will also now be applied to more skills than before so that Accuracy Rate Increase effects can be applied to combos executed in both Succession and Awakening forms.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (35)


● Succession: Flash Step - Improved skill to allow for consecutive use backwards twice.
● Succession: Silent Step - Added the skill for Succession. Improved skill to allow for consecutive use 2 times laterally when holding the command after Silent Step III.
● Martial Spirit Shard - Improved skill so now recovers additional shards when using Succession skills consecutively for 2 times instead of 3.
● Increased the PvP damage of the following skills:
- Prime: Thunder Pound - Approx. +30%
- Prime: Sea Burial - Approx. +21%
- Prime: Wave Orb - Approx. +25%
- Prime: Rage Hammer - Approx. +19%
- Prime: Roaring Tiger - Approx. +26%
- Prime: Tornado Kick - Approx. +32%
- Prime: Soul Basher - Approx. +30%
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Prime: Thunder Pound IV

Hit Damage: 1139% x 9

Last Hit Damage: 828% x 5

Hit Damage: 1366% x 9

Last Hit Damage: 993% x 5

Prime: Soul Basher III

Hit Damage: 734% x 3

Combo Damage: 734% x 6

Last Hit Damage: 734% x 6

Hit Damage: 880% x 3

Combo Damage: 880% x 6

Last Hit Damage: 880% x 6

● Prime: Sweeping Kick I~III - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.


● Dragonize - Added All AP +20 for 30 seconds.
● Infinite Fortitude - Improved skill to combo into Flash Step, Silent Step during use.
- Comboing into Flash Step or Silent Step before Infinite Fortitude's explosion attack goes off will not apply the skill's buff effect.
● Infinite Fortitude - Improved the skill's explosion attack to apply All Damage Reduction +60% for 3 seconds.
● Dragon's Rip - Improved skill so now applies Movement, Attack, and Casting Speeds -30% on hit.
● Increased PvP damage of the following skills:
- Wave Orb - Approx. +11%
- Sea Burial - Approx. +10%
- Rising Dragon - Approx. +14%
- Flow: Wave Orb - Approx. +31%
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Sea Burial III1004% x 61205% x 6
Hurricane Sweep830% x 5, Max 3 Hits1003% x 5, Max 3 Hits
Wave Orb I~III886% / 976% / 1064% x 71001% / 1103% / 1202% x 7

● Rising Dragon IV - Changed Critical Hit Rate +25% to 50% for PvE only.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (36) Since Mystic’s combat style relies heavily on approaching enemies and managing Martial Spirit Shards, which is required to deal damage to her enemies, overall improvements needed to be made to these two areas in this balance patch. In light of this, Mystic can now collect more Martial Spirit Shards in her Succession form, and the skills requiring these shards will deal more damage. For her Awakening form, an effect decreasing all speed stats for Dragon's Rip has been added. Overall, the damage of her Main Skills has been increased, which will truly put fear into the hearts of her opponents when they see her descend upon the battlefield.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (37)

● Dismemberment III~IV, Absolute: Dismemberment - Reduced the Stamina consumed from 200 to 150.
● Stately Dignity I~III - Added the following effect:
- Attack/Movement Speed +3% for 15 seconds during use
● Stately Dignity I~III - Increased the range of attracting the attention of nearby opponents when using the skill.
● Stately Dignity III - Reduced the cooldown from 20 to 15 seconds.


● Prime: Crescent Charm - Added Critical Hit Rate +20% for 30 seconds.
● Prime: Bleeding Hearts - Increased PvP damage by approx. +23%.
● Prime: Salp'uri Purge - Increased PvP damage by approx. +11%.
● Prime: Blooming Nether Flower I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.


● Annihilator - Added All AP +25 for 30 seconds.
● Flow: Vice - Reduced cooldown from 18 seconds to 15 seconds.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Furor IV941% x 4, Max 3 Hits1082% x 4, Max 3 Hits
Bleeding Hearts

Throw Hit Damage: 933% x 1, Max 8 Hits

Pull Hit Damage: 933% x 1, Max 5 Hits

Throw Hit Damage: 1119% x 1, Max 8 Hits

Pull Hit Damage: 1119% x 1, Max 5 Hits

Bridled Despair1388% x 71596% x 7
Binding Chains

1st Hit Damage: 822% x 1, Max 6 Hits

2nd Hit Damage: 1622% x 4

1st Hit Damage: 1033% x 1, Max 6 Hits

2nd Hit Damage: 1622% x 4

Flow: Mangler1066% x 101279% x 10
Flow: Vice1125% x 61350% x 6

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (38) Some of Lahn’s Succession skills have been adjusted in this update after it was determined that they would deal lower amounts of damage despite the actual movements of the attack. Since Lahn’s Awakening skills have a shorter range than her Succession skills, the overall damage of her Main Awakening Skills have been increased to make up for this difference. In addition to these changes, we’ve also decreased the amount of stamina needed to use Dismemberment so that Adventurers can worry less about having to manage Stamina Consumption in the middle of combat. To spice up the combat, Stately Dignity will now have a short cooldown time and a longer range so that its pull mechanic can be better utilized in combat.

For Lahn’s Awakening, we’ve decreased the cooldown time of Flow: Vice so that using Tailspin and then Flow: Vice in succession will be more viable as a combo. Prime: Crescent Charm will now have an increased Critical Hit Rate, while Annihilator will now apply an all AP Damage Increase effect. With these damage buffs, Lahn can continue to conduct her deadly dance of death on the battlefield!

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (39)

● Tactical Strike - Improved skill to combo smoothly into Glissade, Glide, Ultimate: Zephyr Leap.
● Piercing Light - Reduced the number of charges.
● Piercing Light - Improved skill to fire faster after the casting animation during use.
●Core: Piercing Light - Fixed the issue where the Knockdown debuff was being applied to an area smaller than where the damage was being registered.
● Righteous Smite - Increased PvP damage by approx. +36%.
● Bolt of Radiance - Increased the speed of the animation prior to attacking.
● Spear of Sylvia IV - Changed the PvE damage as follows:

938% x 101125% x 10

● Luthraghon's Call I~IV - Changed the number of hits for PvE as follows:


Hit Damage: 1521% x 4

Charged Hit: 1521% x 5

Hit Damage: 1521% x 5

Charged Hit: 1521% x 6

● Uproot I~III - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.
● Absolute: Arrow Explosion - Changed from 6 hits to 8 hits for PvE only.
● Absolute: Bolt of Radiance - Changed Critical Hit Rate +50% to 75% for PvE only.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (40) In a previous update, new skills were added for Archer in order to make up for his lack of Block Effects. For ranged attacks, his Main Skills are Luthraghon's Call, Piercing Light, and Righteous Smite. With this patch, the number of charges needed for Piercing Light have been decreased, and the damage of Righteous Smite has been increased so that these attacks will be all the more threatening when engaged in long-ranged combat.

In terms of melee combat and PvE, one of Archer’s key skills is Full Bloom. However, Archer’s choice of hunting grounds inevitably became limited due to his combat style and skills. To rectify this issue, the damage for all of his skills have been increased so that Full Bloom can still be used as an alternative in ranged combat. In addition, we’ve made improvements to Spear of Sylvia so that it deals more damage on hunting grounds where Down Attack is primarily used to hunt.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (41)

● Come Out, Come Out, Sprinkle-Sparkle - Improved to now recover additional Florin's Leaves on hit.
● Come Out, Come Out - Changed the duration of the All DP reduction debuff from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
● Come Out, Come Out - Fixed the issue where the hidden name effect wouldn't be canceled within the skill's range.
● Play Dead - Improved to slowly recover HP when maintained.
● Shout to the Sky III - Added HP Recovery +150 for 2 seconds every 10 seconds to self and allies.
● Delusive Light - Added All AP & All Accuracy reduction effects.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

One-Two-Three I~V1st Hit Damage: 241% / 342% / 438% / 556% / 674% x 1, Max 29 Hits 2nd Hit Damage: 241% / 342% / 438% / 556% / 674% x 1, Max 27 Hits 3rd Hit Damage: 245% / 328% / 405% / 512% / 629% x 1, Max 37 Hits1st Hit Damage: 265% / 356% / 482% / 612% / 741% x 1, Max 29 Hits 2nd Hit Damage: 265% / 356% / 482% / 612% / 741% x 1, Max 27 Hits 3rd Hit Damage: 257% / 344% / 425% / 538% / 660% x 1, Max 37 Hits
Twirl I~IV

1st Hit Damage: 162% / 239% / 348% / 425% x 1, Max 26 Hits

2nd Hit Damage: 162% / 239% / 348% / 425% x 1, Max 35 Hits

1st Hit Damage: 186% / 275% / 400% / 510% x 1, Max 26 Hits

2nd Hit Damage: 186% / 275% / 400% / 510% x 1, Max 35 Hits

● One-Two-Three I~V - Improved the 3rd Hit to now deal damage to all nearby enemies.
● One-Two-Three I~V - Added Critical Hit Rate +50% to the 3rd Hit for PvE only.
● Eat This! - Added Knockback for PvE only.
● Eat This! - Added Critical Hit Rate +100% for PvE only.
● Go! - Changed the 2nd Hit to now combo into One-Two-Three.
● Twirl-Boom! - Changed Critical Hit Rate +25% to 100% for PvE only.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (42) Shai’s balance changes aim to emphasize her skills and role in group battles. Delusive Light, which had some ambiguous debuffs, has been revamped so that it will now considerably reduce an opponent’s combat abilities. Shout to the Sky III will now apply an effect that will consistently heal allies, allowing them to last longer on the field of battle.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (43)


● Juggernaut - Improved to now activate Prime: Frigid Wind by pressing ↑ + LMB during use.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Prime: Mountain Slam IV944% x 91086% x 9
Prime: Black Blood Circle IV963% x 101107% x 10


● Flow: To Ashes - Changed the attack animation to connect naturally with forward movement speed.
● Flow: To Ashes - Improved skill so now attacks towards the direction of the camera.
● Cleansing Flame I~IV - Slightly increased the combo speed into Fireborne Rupture.
● Searing Fang - Fixed the issue where comboing into the skill after switching from Main to Awakening Weapon wouldn't activate the Super Armor effect.
● Flow: Suppress - Changed the PvE damage as follows:

1039% x 81195% x 8

● Cleansing Flame I~IV - Added Critical Hit Rate +25% for PvE only.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (44) Guardian’s Succession skill Prime: Frigid Wind has been improved so it can now be activated while using Juggernaut–similar to how the skill can be linked while in Awakening form. Changes have also been made to Flow: To Ashes so that Guardian has an easier time hitting her targets with this skill in combat.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (45)

● Arid Assault, Succession: Arid Assault - Added an initial movement animation.
● Haladie Assault, Prophesy Blade - Changed the skills' explosion hit animations to finish first when comboing into Arid Assault.


● Ensnaring Sands I~IV - Changed skill to now apply the reduced Movement Speed debuff to the 1st hit.
● Flow: Condemnation - Changed cooldown from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.
● Collapse - Improved skill so now combos into Flow: Condemnation after the 1st hit.
● Arid Assault - Improved skill to combo into Silent Breach after use.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Serpent's Coil III

Hit Damage 856% x 1, Max 16 Hits

Combo Damage 856% x 1, Max 14 Hits

Last Hit Damage 856% x 3

Hit Damage 942% x 1, Max 16 Hits

Combo Damage 942% x 1, Max 14 Hits

Last Hit Damage 942% x 3

Ensnaring Sands IV

Hit Damage: 1122% x 9

Last Hit Damage: 1361% x 5

Hit Damage: 1346% x 9

Last Hit Damage: 1633% x 5

Collapse III

1st Hit Damage: 1108% x 1, Max 3 Hits

2nd Hit Damage: 1108% x 5

1st Hit Damage: 1329% x 1, Max 3 Hits

2nd Hit Damage: 1329% x 5

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (46) Arid Assault is arguably the skill that is most representative of Hashashin as a class, and it remains one of the most powerful and unique skills in the world of Black Desert. However fun it may be to use, many Adventurers who fought against Hashashin found themselves unable to cope with the onslaught of his attacks. Since this skill is (in all aspects) extremely powerful, we’ve added an initial movement animation to the skill so that opponents can, at the very least, see Hashashin’s movements (when they have visibility of him) and be able to react in a way that will even the odds of the battle.

For Hashashin’s Awakening, Silent Breach can be used immediately after Arid Assault to for a combo, and the cooldown for Flow: Condemnation has been reduced so that it can be utilized more often and across a wider spectrum of combat situations.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (47)


● Succession: Quoratum's Protection - Improved to now recover Stamina even when moving in Guard state.
● Succession: Quoratum's Opening - Changed to now consume Stamina when used on cooldown.
● Fixed the issue where Axian wouldn't go berserk if Nova switched out of combat with her HP at 40% or below.
● Fixed the issue where Axian would remain in a berserk state even when Nova's HP was restored to 40% or higher out of combat.
● Changed the PvE damage of the following skills:

Prime: Frozen Earth1169% x 101344% x 10
Prime: Entangling Icy Thorns III

1st Hit Damage: 1078% x 1, Max 6 Hits

Last Hit Damage: 1078% x 6

1st Hit Damage: 1201% x 1, Max 6 Hits

Last Hit Damage: 1201% x 6


● Star's Ring - Changed so the area of the star's explosion will slowly shrink, reducing both the intensity and range of its pulling effect.
● Slicing Ring, Frozen Ring - Improved to combo more quickly into Brutal Ring during use.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (48) Star's Ring is an Awakening skill in Nova’s repertoire that is useful for binding opponents or creating attack combos. Although it is a highly useful skill, the ease in which this attack could be used became problematic since opponents who got caught in were faced with very limited (and difficult) options when trying to escape. As a result, Star's Ring has been changed so that if Nova fails to fully pull in a target into the center of her attack, opponents can escape more easily. Now, Nova must use this skill more carefully and accurately than before.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (49)

● Added 2 types of the third Skill Enhancements.
- The third Skill Enhancement can be learned by lv. 58 or higher characters.
- The character must have learned the necessary preceding skills to learn the Enhanced Skills.
- The character can only learn one of the two Enhanced Skill available for that level.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (50)


● Ebenruth's Nol - Change the color of the text effect displayed when equipping the item to yellow.
● Changed Leanar's Celestial Map's item description from 'Press RMB' to 'Press RMB to use the item.'

● Added Arsha's Chest II to the list of times sold by Haz, the Trial Character exclusive vendor, as the 2021 Arena of Arsha Best-in-Trials Championship begins.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't use certain [Event] Golden Seals of Panto together.
* To resolve this issue, we retrieved all [Event] Golden Seals of Panto in your possession and re-issued them into your Storage in Heidel.


● Removed the text 'Successfully completing a round will grant you completion rewards' that used to display in the lower left-hand part of the Black Spirit's Adventure window.

Conquest War, Node War

● Fixed the notification that appeared when an installation that was installed in a certain location while a Node War was in progress was being attacked to display the region's name correctly.


● Added the Courser icon to display if your horse has Courser skills for the following UI:

Horse Information

Horse information on the right-hand part of the Stable

Horse Skill Change window

Premium Horse Skill Change rates window

My Stable in the World Map (M)

Horse Market


Breeding Market

● Added the function to preview the items stored in horses not-yet checked out of the stable.

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (51)

● Added the ability to use your gamepad with 'My Stable' in the Worldmap for the Gamepad UI mode.


● Fixed the issue where the game client would suddenly close at the Start Game and Server Select screens.


● Adjusted the width of the Copy/Print button on the pop-up window that appears with the OTP backup codes. (Go to the official website > My Page > OTP Settings menu to see your OTP backup codes)

● Added a mobile version of the Multimedia wallpapers found on the lower part of the official website. You can use the button on the lower part of the Wallpaper page to switch between PC and mobile versions.
● Fixed the issue where the check box in the launcher settings window was overlapping with the lower borderline.
● Improved the way pop-up videos work on the official website.
● Fixed the issue where the font size of non-English languages would appear different compared to English.
● Removed the shortcut buttons to move to the top/bottom parts of the official website pages.
● Fixed the issue where the menu on the left-handed side of the page wouldn't move together when scrolling through the BDO Wiki page after searching.
● Removed the 'Remember me' option from the Black Desert+ login page.


● Changed the following terms in German:
- Gesetzlose des Ozeans to Gesetzlose der See.
- [Täglich] Kleine Erstattung der Altmondgilde to [Täglich] Kleine Entlohnung der Altmondgilde.
- Igelstachel to Seeigelstachel.
- Fluffi to Flauschi.
● Changed the following terms in French:
- Pierre de sort marquant l'objet /Pierre de sort marquant l'objet to Pierre de marquage d'objet.
- Parchemin de marquage / parchemin de sort de marqunt l'objet to Parchemin de marquage d'objet.
- Pierre de sort de marquage de monture to Pierre de marquage de monture.
- Pierre de sort de suppression de marquage de monture to Pierre de suppression de marquage de monture.
- Pierre de suppression de sort de marquage d'objet to Pierre de suppression de marquage d'objet.

Modified or Changed

● Fixed the issue where parts of the background in the following region appeared abnormal:
- Fountain of Origin (Duvencrune)
● Fixed the issue where the topography of the Abandoned Iron Mine Node region appeared abnormal in the World Map (M) window.
● Fixed the issue where clicking the Title notification would open both your My Information (P) window to the Title tab and your Challenges (Y) window.
● Fixed the issue where unnecessary key guides would appear even after toggling off the Skill Demo option in the Skills (K) window for the Gamepad UI mode.

● Fixed the issue where the key guide for the 'list of recent successes' would appear even when selecting Cooking/Alchemy items for which you didn't have the knowledge when using the Gamepad UI mode.
● Fixed the issue where an abnormal message would display in certain situations when using a Steel gathering tool.
● Fixed the issue where the ingredients used to complete Mass Processing would display abnormally in the Processing Progress UI upon completion under certain situations.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't hit a protected guild member riding at the ship's wheel of the opposing guild during a Guild War.

● Fixed the following outfit where it appeared abnormal in certain situations:
- [Sage] Glorious Shudad Armor

● Fixed the issue where gear of mounts did not lose durability.
● Fixed the issue where viewing Learned Only in the Alchemy window would sometimes create a UI error.
● Fixed the issue where checking the market price trend's tooltip in the Central Market would sometimes create a UI error.
● Fixed the issue where a guild that had received a declaration of war using Forced PvP (Alt+C) to attack the enemy's guild's galley would decrease their Naval Fame.
● Fixed the issue where the Mount Information UI would display abnormally when interacting with a Stable Keeper or Wharf Manager.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn't control your Hwacha or Flame Tower after riding and attacking with it in the Savage Rift.

Happy adventuring!

Black Desert Online | Patch Notes (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.